Creating a Comparison via CSV import
This tutorial shows you, how to add a comparison to the ORKG using our CSV import tool. It is very useful if you have multiple papers that are not yet in the ORKG and you maybe even have information about the paper in a CSV format already.
Step 1: Download the CSV Import Template and familiarize yourself with the formatting guide.
Step 2: Sign in
Step 3: Click on Add new and then Comparison
Step 4: This leads you to an overview page for adding comparisons. Choose option 1 "Existing data".
Step 5: Follow the step-by-step instructions for the CSV import tool and make sure the CSV file is correctly formatted.
Step 6: Tweak the comparison to your liking. More information about this here.
What next?
If you want to create comparisons without a CSV import, check out how to create comparisons from papers not yet in the ORKG or how to create comparisons from papers already in the ORKG.
Alternatively, you can also read our Comparison Course.