Concepts introduce and define key aspects of the ORKG and how they are presented on the platform.
Short explanation of the core concept of the ORKG. |
Here, you’ll learn what properties are and which role they play in the ORKG. |
Learn all about resources and what they are in the ORKG in this article. |
When working with ORKG templates, you have the option to check out a visualization of the template structure. Read about this visualizaiton tool here. |
What is an ORKG Observatory and how can you start one? |
What does FAIR mean and how do FAIR and ORKG go together? |
Explanation of how to utilize ChatGPT as a supportive tool when creating ORKG comparisons. |
In the ORKG UI, you can sometimes find a lightbulb on blue background. Learn about our smart suggestion feature here. |
In this article, you can learn the Dos and Don’ts of semantic modelling in the ORKG |